Learning English Part 15
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Aloha my Friend's~
The fifteenth English language lesson. The lecturer enters and greets the students. Good evening class, how are you today? We replied, goodnight Miss, we are fine. Lecturers start today’s lesson. Miss Rella resumed the previously unfinished conversation assignment. one by one the group stepped forward. After that miss Rella give grille about final exam of semester later. Grid about the technician. The student must tell about the technician at least 20 sentences, about his personality, his family, his work and so on. After giving the grille, the student asked for a photo together with miss Rella because today is the last day of miss rella teaching in semester 1, we are all happy to be taking pictures with miss rella. But I can not share photos with my friends and miss rella, because I am still on my way to campus. After the photo together, miss Rella closing today’s lesson.
Thank's for you're attention, See you~
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